A key role in the club's administration, the secretary looks after incoming and outgoing communications plus any legal requirements.
- Keep custody of the common seal (where in existence). Note: RTC does not at present have a common seal.
- Give the Consumer Affairs Victoria Registrar notice of their appointment within 14 days
- Receive, and act as necessary on, all correspondence directed to the Club Secretary
- Maintain all non-financial books and documents
- Receive written nominations for membership of the Management Committee
- Compile and circulate agendas for all Management Committee and AGM meetings at least 7 days prior
- Take, and promptly distribute, minutes of all RTC meetings
- Place copies of Management Committee and AGM minutes on Clubhouse cork board
- Attend to legal requirements of Consumer Affairs Victoria as Incorporation Secretary
- Periodically act as second signatory to the Association’s bank account in conjunction with the President and Treasurer
- Renew annual BYO Liquor Licence as required