Secretary Role

A key role in the club's administration, the secretary looks after incoming and outgoing communications plus any legal requirements.

  1. Keep custody of the common seal (where in existence). Note: RTC does not at present have a common seal.
  2. Give the Consumer Affairs Victoria Registrar notice of their appointment within 14 days
  3. Receive, and act as necessary on, all correspondence directed to the Club Secretary
  4. Maintain all non-financial books and documents
  5. Receive written nominations for membership of the Management Committee
  6. Compile and circulate agendas for all Management Committee and AGM meetings at least 7 days prior
  7. Take, and promptly distribute, minutes of all RTC meetings
  8. Place copies of Management Committee and AGM minutes on Clubhouse cork board
  9. Attend to legal requirements of Consumer Affairs Victoria as Incorporation Secretary
  10. Periodically act as second signatory to the Association’s bank account in conjunction with the President and Treasurer
  11. Renew annual BYO Liquor Licence as required
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