Within 48 hours of completing your match the results need to be entered into TROLS by the home team. Read on to learn how.
Using your web browser go to the TROLS website and click on the correct competition. For Monday Mixed, Tuesday Night Men's and Thursday Night Men's this is Diamond Valley Tennis.
Click on the Club Zone link as shown.
Log on to TROLS using the user researchsec and the password, available from the club's competition coordinator.
Once logged in select Enter Research Match Results.
Select the match that you want to update. Be careful to only edit the match that your team played in.
Enter the team players by clicking on the number to the left of their name. Be sure to enter the names in the playing order so that each player's match statistics will be correct.
Enter their first name, surname and date of birth (if known) and sex. Once filled in click E1 (for example) and their name will appear in the player list.
Repeat for the opposition team.
If you have made an error delete the number in the player list (circled green) and try again.
Click Save Players when done.
Enter the match results, ensuring that the players and games are correct. This is to ensure player match statistics are correct. If you added up the game score at the club check that it's the same as the totals shown. If not check that each set's game tallies are correct.
When you are happy with the score entries click Save.
TROLS will check that all is good. Click OK or cancel to redo the scores.
Finally you can print the results if desired or click Continue to be taken back to the match listing.